With a specific chemistry that supports a healthy immune system and naturally repel insects, Thyme is a potent, warm essential oil that holds powerful cleansing and purifying properties.
Thought to impart courage to its bearer, Thyme was given to Knights and Warriors before they went into battle by ladies of the Middle Ages and was often placed beneath pillows to help promote a peaceful sleep and to ward off nightmares. The ancient Greeks used Thyme in their baths and burned it as an incense in their temples while the Egyptians used it in their embalming rites. Today, Thyme is commonly used as a seasoning.
Uses: Use three to four drops in the Diffuser of your choice. Use when gardening to naturally repel insects. Use 1–2 drops in meat and entrée dishes to add a fresh herbal flavour. Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil then apply to targeted areas on the skin to purify and promote healthy-looking skin.

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