Faceted Hematite Crystal Pendulum.
A pendulum can be used as a tool for asking questions to receive inner guidance and understanding. A crystal pendulum is a crystal which has a metal chain attached at the end. When asked a question, a pendulum will swing back and forth or in a circle.
How to Use a Pendulum:
Choosing a Pendulum: It's easy to choose your pendulum - It's the one that jumps out at you because it catches your eye.
Connect with your Pendulum: Cleansing the pendulum can be done by holding it under running cold tap water, soaking it in sea salt, or setting a mental intention to free it of possible picked up energies. After cleansing the pendulum, carry it around with you to see how it feels.
How a pendulum works: Your pendulum will work in a unique way with you. It will either swing in a straight line or in a circular movement. The circles can be either clock-wise or anti clock-wise. Your pendulum can also bob up and down. This can be interpreted in the affirmative.
How do I know what my Pendulum is trying to tell me: First off you need to know what each directional swing means. Before asking your question, ask the pendulum to assign its unique response. Start off by asking the pendulum to show you what a YES response looks like. And then ask your pendulum what a NO response looks like. Once you have ascertained how your pendulum is going to work for you, you can set an intention to receive truthful answers and begin with a couple of test questions like your name. You can then begin to ask questions of your pendulum.
Hematite promotes organisation and logical thinking and helps you to focus your mind. It is a grounding crystal and opens you up to more positive energy. Hematite can be helpful in all areas of your life – career and business, family and relationships.
Delivery: Dispatched within 24 hours

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